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Brian Traverso, ChFC, AIF, CPFA, AWMA, EA
4 min read
Tradition At The Masters Tournament in 2022
It is Masters time again. The 2022 Masters Tournament begins on April 7th, continuing an April tradition that started in 1934.

Brian Traverso, ChFC, AIF, CPFA, AWMA, EA
2 min read
Turning Monetary Gifts into Learning Experiences for Children
Most parents want to help their children financially, but not by handing over cash with no strings attached. Instead, parents should...

Brian Traverso, ChFC, AIF, CPFA, AWMA, EA
1 min read
Save Now for Retirement Savings
It’s never too early to start saving for your retirement – but it can be too late.

Brian Traverso, ChFC, AIF, CPFA, AWMA, EA
1 min read
Perils of Timing the Market
The end of March 2021 marks the one year anniversary of the stock market bottom and the end of the shortest bear market on record.

Brian Traverso, ChFC, AIF, CPFA, AWMA, EA
1 min read
Crypto Art
The latest digital trend isn’t another cryptocurrency but rather an art form or collectible. NFT or non-fungible token is a form of...

Paul Herrick
6 min read
5 Accounts Everyone Should Open
When it comes to structuring a good financial plan there are 5 types of accounts, I think all people should look into getting.

Brian Traverso, ChFC, AIF, CPFA, AWMA, EA
2 min read
10 Tax Changes Under Biden
With the election finalized, we can now focus on what to expect under a Biden administration.

Brian Traverso, ChFC, AIF, CPFA, AWMA, EA
1 min read
8th Wonder of the World
Einstein described compounding as the 8th wonder of the world and it no wonder why. Compounding is the essence of having your money work...

Brian Traverso, ChFC, AIF, CPFA, AWMA, EA
1 min read
Why Cash Loses Value
This article is a great refresher on inflation and CPI and how it affects your purchasing power.

4 min read
Saving vs. Investing
You should always have a steady stream of money going both into a savings account and an investment account.

Brian Traverso, ChFC, AIF, CPFA, AWMA, EA
3 min read
Spendless Sundays
I challenge you to choose one day of the week where you don't spend any money. What you don't spend on a given day becomes savings!

Brian Traverso, ChFC, AIF, CPFA, AWMA, EA
4 min read
IRA Basics: Traditional & Roth
“The best time to start saving for retirement was yesterday.”...people are working well into their 60s and 70s and are living much longer.

Brian Traverso, ChFC, AIF, CPFA, AWMA, EA
2 min read
Reasons I Like 529 Plans
Read why I like 529 plans.
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